This is the 3rd greatest skin in my list! MUST DOWNLOAD - Octoby Ares Margautomo How many years passed, and still the best one. Nekem ez tetszik a legjobban, foleg a sok szin miatt - Januby I cant install any skin in my winamp u,u - Apby Not compatible with the latest release of winamp 5.57 - Jby BJ Marwaha Awesome built-in capabilities like opacity. I downloaded this to use with 5.58 Pro and it seems to work fine. Just awesome, I use it since 5.0v of Winamp - Augby Christian616 Megazrael Well, I have been using it since first version, published in 2001. Februby Tim Howardīroken on version Winamp 5.601.Please Fix!! - Januby GrnMnky Special thanks for "Horizontal Winshade-mode" - Februby Any other skin looks like joke after this one. Versatil, easy to use, EXCELENT ! - Maby Nativo On re-publish: Nothing to add, gone looking for more stars. this is one of those skins that should be in everyone's library tons of color schemes, a great winshade mode, and awesome animations make this skin one to die for. The latest version of probably the second-most ripped skin of all time. V2.2a legend returns, now with over 70 ColorThemes- Special Advanced-Visualization- 2 Winshade-Modes (horizontal/vertical)- Integrated Playlist in winshade mode- Compact video window- All components skinned- configurable Songticker - easy to use- integrated ColorThemes-Switcher + extra window- Playlist-Shade-Mode- easier to use and animated volume/bass/treble knobs- choosable left/right drawer - and a lot of more Download skin It received a DD (Daily Deviation) on DeviantArt way back then, although it had 2 major > Skins > Cool Devices I didn't go back to the old skin to see if the color themes had changed, but the actual color themes I see on this skin are simply fabulous ! Such harmony, such "vividness", the yellows and the greens are mind-blowing. This has always been one of my favourite Modern Winamp skins since the day I downloaded it (and its little sister Cell2) some 10 years ago (please see my comments about Cell2) but I quickly put it in a dark corner of my hard drive because of the bugs which made it totally unusable. Hello Hello ! We now have a whole new skin, a whole new "Cell" ! Congratulations on your work, you transformed a beautiful skin loaded with bugs into a super beauthful skin totally bug free !